Monday, November 1, 2010

Sugar Sprite Fairy

The sugar sprite fairy. She harvests sugar in the summer from flowers and other things of the likes. In the fall and winter, she has no flowers to get sugar from so, to help her out you can leave out some Halloween candy for her so she can have sugar in the winter. She will leave you a treat, some kind of toy, as a thanks. You're probably thinking yeah, ,right she's not really real. My brother looked up about the Sugar Sprite fairy last night and said some people have even gotten movie tickets. Well, my brother left a bag of candy on the front steps. When we got up this morning there was two little kinz, a Bullfrog and a regular frog, and also Lego airplane set. My brother wanted the Bullfrog, its name is Sprite, so I got the frog I have not named it yet. Tonight I'm going to leave a little bag of candy to say thanks.

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