Tuesday, November 9, 2010


For science yesterday, I learned about balance.
You have hair in you ear that so that when you tilt your head the fluid pushes against the hairs and tells your brain which way you are leaning so you don't fall over. To show this we got a jar and put red water (so you could see it easily ) in it, if you tilt the jar the water stays horizontal. If you lean to one side the water stays the same but different hairs in your ear tell your brain that you are leaning. Lean forward or backward and the hairs tell your brain you are leaning. When kids spin around in a circle the fluid swirls around and around and the hairs have a hard time tell what direction you are leaning and send so many signals to your brain that you feel dizzy.
Only fill the jar about a quarter full.

Here we were standing on pillows with one food to see it it was easier to balance with your eyes open or closed. It was easier with our eyes open. Some of our balance comes from our eyes telling our brains what is happening.

Here we are seeing how long we can balance a peacock feather on our finger, and after that we did it with our eyes closed. We also used a wooden poll with a Kong wubba stuck on top. The peacock feather was easier to balance, mostly because it is lighter and didn't fall as fast so we had a longer time to right it.

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