Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Raggles update 2

This is another Raggles update. He is out of the garage and running around the yard. He will let us pick him up pet him, he gets wet food, but not by the other cats because Vidalia still hisses at him and starts fights. Raggles comes in the barn and walks around our legs while we are doing chores. In the barn are holes that the bunnies that are out have dug and we thought that the tunnels might go outside. Once when Raggles and I were in the barn this week the door was closed because it was cold out. I went to get him because I had the door open. But when I was go he ran down one of the holes. I waited and then I heard my brother coming up to the barn talking to Raggles so I went out and there was Raggles. So now we know that the tunnels go outside.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Yesterday, as we all know was Monday. It was snowy, it was icy it, and it was cold. I had a headache yesterday morning till about 12:30. My Mom and brother went to see some friends for lunch. We bowl on Mondays from 2:00 till 3:30. Since it was icy my Dad and I left at 1:00 P.M. so we would have enough time to get there. We only slid once on the way to town and the rest of the way in we were behind a snow plow so it was slow going. I did pretty good at bowling. I got a strike and a couple spares! We then went to the library and picked out some books and a couple DVDs. It is now about 5:00 so we were all hungry so we went Bonanza for dinner. Bonanza has really good tuna salad! It has just the right a mount of everything! For desert I always have apple crisp with vanilla ice cream and a piece of bread pudding.

Friday, November 19, 2010

The snow is leaving

Last weekend we had snow and everything was white. It was wet and sloppy out too. The weather is not very warm out but warm enough for the snow to melt. Today is windy so it feels cold out. I will probably shovel off the deck.

Cute little Nikki dog is happy the snow is leaving. Toodles does not like to piddle in tummy deep snow. We can go into town without worrying about slippery roads.

It is still cold enough to freeze the waters in the barn, but it is easier to do chores with out big boots, hats and gloves. My cutest baby goat Eeyore will go out later and he will be happier because he can find grass.

My brother has basketball tomorrow morning so we will probably have snow tonight or at least have an ice storm.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The animals!

We have a lot of animals. I will tell you their name and about them. We have seven chickens. The names of the chickens are Carmel, Paige, Bellina, Black chicken (rooster), Wooten (rooster), and Non Speckly ( she is called that because we had a chicken named Speckly and got them confused). The chickens really like cat food, so when they are out of the coop they are on the porch at least once a day. Bunnies we have are... Runtiedunt who is white, Razor who has short fur and big ears and is brown and white , Brina who is brown and black and really poofy, Dawn who is black, Scott who has orange fur with some black flecks in it, Ear and a half who is brown, black, and poofy, and then two who don't have names. One is all white and the other is white and gray. We have six goats. Eeyore, my little goat, gets candy and rabbit food, Millie(mother) and Desdemona (daughter) a mother/daughter duo. Desdemona is all white with horns, Millie is some times white and some times brown it all depends and does not have horns. Calliope, she is white with black spots and horns, is Charlie's mom. Charlie is white and doesn't have horns and he really likes treats. Klaus is white with big horns and is our main buck. We also have three cats Kacheekers, who is black and white, Raggles, our new cat who is gray and brown, and Vidalia, who is very mean to the new cat Raggles. Then, we have our little cute Nikki, the little fox terrier, who likes snacks and sleeping under afghans.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Things that run in front of our car

Today I'm going to write about things that run in front of our car. My family and I think that the animals wait for our car to go by them on the road and then run out in front of us. When we got our new car it was a week or so before any thing ran in front of us. We say that it was because they had figure out that it was our car. The most common things are deer. They will walk, or run, across the road as soon as we get to deer areas. Other things that run in front of us are skunks, raccoons, dogs, squirrels, and turkeys. Birds also fly in front of us. I hope when I start driving things don't run in front of me! I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Snow! It snowed on Friday till Saturday at our house. There is just enough to make everything white. We even had to shovel the drive way and put the car in the garage. We had to get out Nikki's' winter coat to put on her when we take her outside. We were going to put her booties on her but we could not find them. When Eeyore went out on Friday he looked like he was very confused by the snow and why he didn't have any grass to eat. We had just finished putting up the plastic on the porch for the winter, what perfect timing! Some bad things about the snow are the goat and rabbit waters are frozen and Nikki does not like going out in the cold. Some good things about the snow is that it means Christmas is getting closer. I like winter because it is not boiling hot out, but I also do not like it because it is really cold and waters freeze.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


This morning for breakfast I had a tortilla with sausage, egg, cheese, and sour cream on it. After breakfast I did three chapters of math. I went out and helped with the barn chores and saw Eeyore. Then I checked my grammar and did a couple of pages from that book.

Eeyore was all crazy today. He would start jumping and flipping around all crazy every time another goat sneezed or did anything. He also would butt the fence post until we would give him pets and talk to him. When we stopped he would start butting again.

I have had a cold since Saturday and have been sneezing, coughing, and blowing my nose all day.

We had AWANA tonight 6:30 to 8:00. Then we came home and now I'm writing this Blog post.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


For science yesterday, I learned about balance.
You have hair in you ear that so that when you tilt your head the fluid pushes against the hairs and tells your brain which way you are leaning so you don't fall over. To show this we got a jar and put red water (so you could see it easily ) in it, if you tilt the jar the water stays horizontal. If you lean to one side the water stays the same but different hairs in your ear tell your brain that you are leaning. Lean forward or backward and the hairs tell your brain you are leaning. When kids spin around in a circle the fluid swirls around and around and the hairs have a hard time tell what direction you are leaning and send so many signals to your brain that you feel dizzy.
Only fill the jar about a quarter full.

Here we were standing on pillows with one food to see it it was easier to balance with your eyes open or closed. It was easier with our eyes open. Some of our balance comes from our eyes telling our brains what is happening.

Here we are seeing how long we can balance a peacock feather on our finger, and after that we did it with our eyes closed. We also used a wooden poll with a Kong wubba stuck on top. The peacock feather was easier to balance, mostly because it is lighter and didn't fall as fast so we had a longer time to right it.


Lilly is one of our neighbor's cows. She is easy to find because she brown with a white face and legs and her ears are super fluffy. Where they usually graze is along the road so when ever we drive by we yell out "hi Lilly" and she will almost always look. One day this summer when we were walking along this cow followed us all the way to the end of the fence. On our way back home we decided to call her Lilly. I wonder what the neighbors would think if they knew we named their cow. Her and two other cows are out early in the morning when we go to Phys.Ed. on Friday mornings. If we have the camera with she is almost always behind a tree or really far back in the pen. If we don't have the camera she is up to the fence. But today my Dad got a pretty good picture of her. I think if she lived at our house she would get candy and be very spoiled. Here is the picture of Lilly.

Friday, November 5, 2010


Since it is Thanksgiving month I will sprinkle in some posts of things I am thankful for.

I am thankful for:

My family because we do fun things together.

Facebook so I can see what my friends are doing and keep in touch with people I don't see. I can "like" stuff and see what events are going on.

Eeyore, E bebe, Bubby. My cool goat Eeyore. He is really sweet and cute and fun but sometimes he is a lot of work when he has fits. I saw today he is getting a beard.

Chocolate because it is super good.

Books. I love books. I love reading, I love reading books. I am talking about books I pick out at the library, not my math book.

Did I say chocolate, it is so yummy.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Thursday is homeschool YMCA day! We go to the Y from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., it is a six week session with a two week break in between. The first half of the two hours is either swim lessons, free swim, or you can stay in the gym and play what ever game we are going to play. The first quarter of game time they teach skills and other things for that game. The last quarter you play the game. We have played football and soccer so far. We play each game for three weeks and do two different games per session. We learn skills the first part and play the game last for two weeks in a row then you play the game the full hour the last week. The second hour, kids 10 and older can go upstairs and use the treadmill, elliptical, and other exercise equipment. If you stay downstairs you play games like Car Lot, Color tag, and a bunch of other fun games. It goes really fast and is really fun.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Raggles update

Raggles, last time I talked about Raggles we were trying to catch him in the live trap. Well... we got him. Anyhow he has gotten out two more times. He now meows, I think to let us know where he is, and he is getting better at being friendly. The last two times he has gotten out he has been up in the rafters of the garage. He got away yesterday and when we came out to see if we could find him today and we got him to come down out of the rafters to have some food and get a scratchy scratchy (that is what we call pets). We are out of wet cat food and that's what we have been giving him, so today when we gave him dry food he was like what the heck, really? He loves the scratchy scratchy a.k.a pets. You just have to start petting and he will purr. We have two other cats Kacheekers, he is black and white and Vidalia, she is striped brown, gray, dark gray and black. Kacheekers is nice and will meow back at Raggles but Vidalia is not so nice, she even hisses at Raggles! It has been three weeks since we got Raggles so hopefully he will be friendly enough to let out of the garage in a couple of weekes.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Eeyore Bubby

My goat Eeyore is two years old. He is so cute and cuddly and he will give you kisses. He likes to sit on laps, even though he is too big. His body is gray with a brown line down his back, his head is also gray with white eye brows. Eeyore has his own house in the barn made out of pallets. He is very good at getting out and breaking it. His feeder is an old recycle bin. It's full of hay because he likes to lay in the feeder. He has seizures every once in a while so he has three candies in the morning, three at night, and has a scoop of rabbit food twice a day (I put it on top of his hay so he eats his hay too!) Yesterday night, my Dad and I were bringing in a bale of hay and he stood in his feeder, jumped up on his wall and hopped down on the other side so he was out in the barn. He goes out in the corral almost every day. He actually likes to graze and some days he likes to butt the the fence post. I can go out and talk to him and when I go back in he'll already be butting the post again. We say that he is teaching that post a lesson and it is slow learner.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Sugar Sprite Fairy

The sugar sprite fairy. She harvests sugar in the summer from flowers and other things of the likes. In the fall and winter, she has no flowers to get sugar from so, to help her out you can leave out some Halloween candy for her so she can have sugar in the winter. She will leave you a treat, some kind of toy, as a thanks. You're probably thinking yeah, ,right she's not really real. My brother looked up about the Sugar Sprite fairy last night and said some people have even gotten movie tickets. Well, my brother left a bag of candy on the front steps. When we got up this morning there was two little kinz, a Bullfrog and a regular frog, and also Lego airplane set. My brother wanted the Bullfrog, its name is Sprite, so I got the frog I have not named it yet. Tonight I'm going to leave a little bag of candy to say thanks.