Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Puppy Bear

Hi, I'm Puppy Bear. Mom left the computer so I'm going to write a post. I'm the boss of the bed what I says goes. I'm the best kid on the bed out of all of them. Bilbo is my little buddy that I take care of and look after. I like to play Iron chef Bed Stadium against Bilbo. I sneak out and bring snacks back to the bed. Things I do to annoy Mom are bouncing up and down saying "Sheboygan" over and over, frowning, and other things. I'm planning a fundraiser to get a new smock for Sly. His is old and saggy so he needs a new one and because I can't have shabby dressed people on my bed.

More about Bert!

Bert, our Senegal parrot, does not like green beauty masks. Last night I had one on and he freaked out. He flapped around his house and squawked. I went out of the room right away and he calmed down. Now we know not to do that again. We changed his toys the other day and one of them has a bell on it. We can hear him as he dings it but when we go to look at him he stops when we get in there. It is very hard to sneak up on him because the floor creaks and he is a very good listener. Bert also really likes peanuts. I think he likes the salted ones better than the unsalted ones. He holds them in his left foot and slowly pulls off pieces of shell and nibbles out the nut. He also like popcorn, but most of it falls apart while he tries to eat it.

My new camera!!!!!!!

I just got my camera for Christmas!!!! It is a black Samsung PL100. It has a rechargeable battery which is really nice. It shows the time and has zoom in that I just found. This camera is a lot smaller and skinnier then my last one. I had also gotten that one for Christmas (it was pink) three years ago. It broke at a dance show. It was sitting on a chair and a girl was going around flipping up the seats and knocked my camera on the floor and it broke. The family just pick up their things and moved. They didn't say any thing. This year I asked for a new camera. I'm so happy I got one, it is so handy to have when you go places and don't want to carry the big camera.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Wii party

For Christmas my brother got Wii Party. I really, really, really like that game. We have played it every day so far since Christmas. Mine and my Mom's favorite game on there is Balance Boat. I really like that one because it is fun to try and figure out how to put the people on so the boat doesn't tip over and I like all the mini games. I also like the Board Game Island. I just beat my brother at it! Of the mini games I like the one where you spin the platform for the sheep to get across, the one where you run through the sheep to the end, and the one where you try to land on the moon first. I can never figure out how to get the the mine cart to work. I think the hardest mini games are the tilty maze where you each run on a side and the one where you stand on the button to close the floor so you can walk. We are already getting better at all the games which makes it more fun to play but getting good at the games is the fun part any way.


Nikki is our cute little dog. She is a toy Fox Terrier and is black, brown, and white. She has a lot of names that we call her. Nikki likes to sit on laps and get snacks. She has lots of outfits, we buy her outfits, we make her outfits (because it's fun) they are so cute! She has pajamas, lounge pants, a coat, regular outfits, boots, and Halloween costumes. She loves to sleep by you in the bed. She doesn't because she can't hold it till morning when she goes out so she has to sleep in the kennel. Nikki is four years old this next June. She has the same birthday as one of my Grandmas.

Hotel swimming

During Christmas, my grandma and grandpa on my dad's side come up and stay in a hotel. They stay in a hotel because in the winter they live in Arkansas. The hotel they stay in has a pool and a hot tub. It is right across from the Great Dragon buffet and we usually go there for dinner when we go see them. It is also by the library so I got to pick up my books when we went. We went swimming twice when they were there. I really like to sit in the hot tub. I only go in the pool to cool down for a little bit and then go back in the hot tub. My brother and I had a splash war yesterday when we went swimming. Yesterday Grandma bought us subs for when we were done swimming.

Christmas gifts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As far as Christmas goes... It was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From Santa some of the gifts I got were... slippers, clay face mask stuff, two pack of silly putty, pink slippers, Doodleicius, Carmel coffee flavoring, a tin of gum, and a candy cane with Hershey kisses in it. From Mom and Dad I got two pairs of sweat pants one orange and one blue, a striped orange and gray long sleeve shirt, camera, purple fuzzy slippers (yes I got two pairs of slippers!!), note pads, Charlie St, Cloud DVD, 5 lb weight, find a word book, bath gels, and turtle earrings. From my brother I got a pair of pants and a sweat shirt. My Mom and I both got the same kind of slippers as me but her are white and mine are purple. My brother got Wii Party so we have been playing that a lot this weekend. My brother has a Lil' kinz black bear named Bilbo. He made him a stocking and Bilbo got kisses in it from Santa. My favorite gift thing from Santa was the clay face mask stuff. My favorite gifts from Mom and Dad is the word find book, orange sweat pants, Charlie St.Cloud DVD, and camera. I think the orange paints and the purple slippers go really good together. Nikki even got a stocking full of presents.

Bert the Senegal parrot

Bert is a Senegal parrot that I got for Christmas. He is green with an orange vest and a gray head. Bert is about 14 years old. He says Good night, Good morning, What are you doing?, Pretty Bert or pretty pretty pretty Bert, Come here, Merry Christmas, shhh, coughs, laughs, beeps like an alarm clock and look at me. He is so loud you can hear him when you take the dog out. He is the size of a 20 oz pop bottle. He is not a good flier and has only flowing for us twice. Once out of his house and on to my back and to the bed (he is in my brother's room) and then back to his house. If you are talking, he will some times repeat what you said. One time Mom was yelling for Kacheekers and Bert yelled out Kacheekers. Bert also loves attention and being petted. If you sit in the bedroom and play with Lego's, or don't look at him, after a couple of minutes he will start talking to get your attention. He likes to listen to the radio so we play it for him.

Friday, December 10, 2010


We have a new cat at our house. Her name is Pirate Bella because she has a bad eye and I call her Bella. She is a little calico cat that showed up at our house last Friday. My Dad found her when we were in town and she has just decided to stay. This morning on the way in from the barn Kacheekers was on the front step with a scratched up face. We brought him inside because it was cold out he could not close or blink his eye so it was freezing. We left him inside while we were gone and when Mom looked she said his eye looks like it is drying. Mom says she has never seen a cat lose an eye and now we have two in one week. We all think that Vidalia is the one who is scratching every one up. She is not very nice, she has scratched Raggles on the nose before so she gets in fights.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Raggles update 2

This is another Raggles update. He is out of the garage and running around the yard. He will let us pick him up pet him, he gets wet food, but not by the other cats because Vidalia still hisses at him and starts fights. Raggles comes in the barn and walks around our legs while we are doing chores. In the barn are holes that the bunnies that are out have dug and we thought that the tunnels might go outside. Once when Raggles and I were in the barn this week the door was closed because it was cold out. I went to get him because I had the door open. But when I was go he ran down one of the holes. I waited and then I heard my brother coming up to the barn talking to Raggles so I went out and there was Raggles. So now we know that the tunnels go outside.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Yesterday, as we all know was Monday. It was snowy, it was icy it, and it was cold. I had a headache yesterday morning till about 12:30. My Mom and brother went to see some friends for lunch. We bowl on Mondays from 2:00 till 3:30. Since it was icy my Dad and I left at 1:00 P.M. so we would have enough time to get there. We only slid once on the way to town and the rest of the way in we were behind a snow plow so it was slow going. I did pretty good at bowling. I got a strike and a couple spares! We then went to the library and picked out some books and a couple DVDs. It is now about 5:00 so we were all hungry so we went Bonanza for dinner. Bonanza has really good tuna salad! It has just the right a mount of everything! For desert I always have apple crisp with vanilla ice cream and a piece of bread pudding.

Friday, November 19, 2010

The snow is leaving

Last weekend we had snow and everything was white. It was wet and sloppy out too. The weather is not very warm out but warm enough for the snow to melt. Today is windy so it feels cold out. I will probably shovel off the deck.

Cute little Nikki dog is happy the snow is leaving. Toodles does not like to piddle in tummy deep snow. We can go into town without worrying about slippery roads.

It is still cold enough to freeze the waters in the barn, but it is easier to do chores with out big boots, hats and gloves. My cutest baby goat Eeyore will go out later and he will be happier because he can find grass.

My brother has basketball tomorrow morning so we will probably have snow tonight or at least have an ice storm.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The animals!

We have a lot of animals. I will tell you their name and about them. We have seven chickens. The names of the chickens are Carmel, Paige, Bellina, Black chicken (rooster), Wooten (rooster), and Non Speckly ( she is called that because we had a chicken named Speckly and got them confused). The chickens really like cat food, so when they are out of the coop they are on the porch at least once a day. Bunnies we have are... Runtiedunt who is white, Razor who has short fur and big ears and is brown and white , Brina who is brown and black and really poofy, Dawn who is black, Scott who has orange fur with some black flecks in it, Ear and a half who is brown, black, and poofy, and then two who don't have names. One is all white and the other is white and gray. We have six goats. Eeyore, my little goat, gets candy and rabbit food, Millie(mother) and Desdemona (daughter) a mother/daughter duo. Desdemona is all white with horns, Millie is some times white and some times brown it all depends and does not have horns. Calliope, she is white with black spots and horns, is Charlie's mom. Charlie is white and doesn't have horns and he really likes treats. Klaus is white with big horns and is our main buck. We also have three cats Kacheekers, who is black and white, Raggles, our new cat who is gray and brown, and Vidalia, who is very mean to the new cat Raggles. Then, we have our little cute Nikki, the little fox terrier, who likes snacks and sleeping under afghans.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Things that run in front of our car

Today I'm going to write about things that run in front of our car. My family and I think that the animals wait for our car to go by them on the road and then run out in front of us. When we got our new car it was a week or so before any thing ran in front of us. We say that it was because they had figure out that it was our car. The most common things are deer. They will walk, or run, across the road as soon as we get to deer areas. Other things that run in front of us are skunks, raccoons, dogs, squirrels, and turkeys. Birds also fly in front of us. I hope when I start driving things don't run in front of me! I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Snow! It snowed on Friday till Saturday at our house. There is just enough to make everything white. We even had to shovel the drive way and put the car in the garage. We had to get out Nikki's' winter coat to put on her when we take her outside. We were going to put her booties on her but we could not find them. When Eeyore went out on Friday he looked like he was very confused by the snow and why he didn't have any grass to eat. We had just finished putting up the plastic on the porch for the winter, what perfect timing! Some bad things about the snow are the goat and rabbit waters are frozen and Nikki does not like going out in the cold. Some good things about the snow is that it means Christmas is getting closer. I like winter because it is not boiling hot out, but I also do not like it because it is really cold and waters freeze.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


This morning for breakfast I had a tortilla with sausage, egg, cheese, and sour cream on it. After breakfast I did three chapters of math. I went out and helped with the barn chores and saw Eeyore. Then I checked my grammar and did a couple of pages from that book.

Eeyore was all crazy today. He would start jumping and flipping around all crazy every time another goat sneezed or did anything. He also would butt the fence post until we would give him pets and talk to him. When we stopped he would start butting again.

I have had a cold since Saturday and have been sneezing, coughing, and blowing my nose all day.

We had AWANA tonight 6:30 to 8:00. Then we came home and now I'm writing this Blog post.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


For science yesterday, I learned about balance.
You have hair in you ear that so that when you tilt your head the fluid pushes against the hairs and tells your brain which way you are leaning so you don't fall over. To show this we got a jar and put red water (so you could see it easily ) in it, if you tilt the jar the water stays horizontal. If you lean to one side the water stays the same but different hairs in your ear tell your brain that you are leaning. Lean forward or backward and the hairs tell your brain you are leaning. When kids spin around in a circle the fluid swirls around and around and the hairs have a hard time tell what direction you are leaning and send so many signals to your brain that you feel dizzy.
Only fill the jar about a quarter full.

Here we were standing on pillows with one food to see it it was easier to balance with your eyes open or closed. It was easier with our eyes open. Some of our balance comes from our eyes telling our brains what is happening.

Here we are seeing how long we can balance a peacock feather on our finger, and after that we did it with our eyes closed. We also used a wooden poll with a Kong wubba stuck on top. The peacock feather was easier to balance, mostly because it is lighter and didn't fall as fast so we had a longer time to right it.


Lilly is one of our neighbor's cows. She is easy to find because she brown with a white face and legs and her ears are super fluffy. Where they usually graze is along the road so when ever we drive by we yell out "hi Lilly" and she will almost always look. One day this summer when we were walking along this cow followed us all the way to the end of the fence. On our way back home we decided to call her Lilly. I wonder what the neighbors would think if they knew we named their cow. Her and two other cows are out early in the morning when we go to Phys.Ed. on Friday mornings. If we have the camera with she is almost always behind a tree or really far back in the pen. If we don't have the camera she is up to the fence. But today my Dad got a pretty good picture of her. I think if she lived at our house she would get candy and be very spoiled. Here is the picture of Lilly.

Friday, November 5, 2010


Since it is Thanksgiving month I will sprinkle in some posts of things I am thankful for.

I am thankful for:

My family because we do fun things together.

Facebook so I can see what my friends are doing and keep in touch with people I don't see. I can "like" stuff and see what events are going on.

Eeyore, E bebe, Bubby. My cool goat Eeyore. He is really sweet and cute and fun but sometimes he is a lot of work when he has fits. I saw today he is getting a beard.

Chocolate because it is super good.

Books. I love books. I love reading, I love reading books. I am talking about books I pick out at the library, not my math book.

Did I say chocolate, it is so yummy.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Thursday is homeschool YMCA day! We go to the Y from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., it is a six week session with a two week break in between. The first half of the two hours is either swim lessons, free swim, or you can stay in the gym and play what ever game we are going to play. The first quarter of game time they teach skills and other things for that game. The last quarter you play the game. We have played football and soccer so far. We play each game for three weeks and do two different games per session. We learn skills the first part and play the game last for two weeks in a row then you play the game the full hour the last week. The second hour, kids 10 and older can go upstairs and use the treadmill, elliptical, and other exercise equipment. If you stay downstairs you play games like Car Lot, Color tag, and a bunch of other fun games. It goes really fast and is really fun.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Raggles update

Raggles, last time I talked about Raggles we were trying to catch him in the live trap. Well... we got him. Anyhow he has gotten out two more times. He now meows, I think to let us know where he is, and he is getting better at being friendly. The last two times he has gotten out he has been up in the rafters of the garage. He got away yesterday and when we came out to see if we could find him today and we got him to come down out of the rafters to have some food and get a scratchy scratchy (that is what we call pets). We are out of wet cat food and that's what we have been giving him, so today when we gave him dry food he was like what the heck, really? He loves the scratchy scratchy a.k.a pets. You just have to start petting and he will purr. We have two other cats Kacheekers, he is black and white and Vidalia, she is striped brown, gray, dark gray and black. Kacheekers is nice and will meow back at Raggles but Vidalia is not so nice, she even hisses at Raggles! It has been three weeks since we got Raggles so hopefully he will be friendly enough to let out of the garage in a couple of weekes.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Eeyore Bubby

My goat Eeyore is two years old. He is so cute and cuddly and he will give you kisses. He likes to sit on laps, even though he is too big. His body is gray with a brown line down his back, his head is also gray with white eye brows. Eeyore has his own house in the barn made out of pallets. He is very good at getting out and breaking it. His feeder is an old recycle bin. It's full of hay because he likes to lay in the feeder. He has seizures every once in a while so he has three candies in the morning, three at night, and has a scoop of rabbit food twice a day (I put it on top of his hay so he eats his hay too!) Yesterday night, my Dad and I were bringing in a bale of hay and he stood in his feeder, jumped up on his wall and hopped down on the other side so he was out in the barn. He goes out in the corral almost every day. He actually likes to graze and some days he likes to butt the the fence post. I can go out and talk to him and when I go back in he'll already be butting the post again. We say that he is teaching that post a lesson and it is slow learner.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Sugar Sprite Fairy

The sugar sprite fairy. She harvests sugar in the summer from flowers and other things of the likes. In the fall and winter, she has no flowers to get sugar from so, to help her out you can leave out some Halloween candy for her so she can have sugar in the winter. She will leave you a treat, some kind of toy, as a thanks. You're probably thinking yeah, ,right she's not really real. My brother looked up about the Sugar Sprite fairy last night and said some people have even gotten movie tickets. Well, my brother left a bag of candy on the front steps. When we got up this morning there was two little kinz, a Bullfrog and a regular frog, and also Lego airplane set. My brother wanted the Bullfrog, its name is Sprite, so I got the frog I have not named it yet. Tonight I'm going to leave a little bag of candy to say thanks.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Birthday lego shark

For my brothers birthday, he got a Lego set, a Slinky, Link shirt, guy necklace, and a Percy Harven Viking's jersey. He has worn the shirts quite a few times all ready. The Lego set makes three things: a shark, an alligator, and a dinosaur. After you make one of them, you have to take apart the one you just made to make another one because there is only enough pieces to make one at a time. We made the shark while we were waiting for breakfast. It was only half done when breakfast was ready so we stopped to eat. He has still only made the shark so far. He said he was going to make the dinosaur this weekend so we will see how it goes. Here is the picture of the shark that we worked on together.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Space Aliens

On Monday, it was my brother's birthday, we went to Space Aliens for dinner. We have only been there twice, once for my brother's birthday last year and now this year. I had a cheesy garlic pizza for dinner. It was so good and bigger than I thought so I ended up bringing three pieces home in a doggy box. I got 440 tickets from games. One of the games I played was Color-rama I got almost all my tickets off that game. Well, 490 if you count the 50 I forgot I put in my pocket. I put them in there because the table was full with the trays and so they wouldn't get dirty. When we got to the prize counter, I didn't have enough for the frog prize I wanted that was 600, so my brother gave me the tickets I needed. The signs outside weren't lit up when we got there, which is when this picture was taken, but they were when we left as it was just about dark out. I like it better when it is lit up.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Yeah! The new Taylor Swift CD!

Yesterday, we went to Wal-mart to get the new Taylor Swift CD "Speak Now." The thing we hate about going to Wal-mart is the round abouts because they are too small and people keep stopping instead of merging on to them. We didn't get a cart because all we went for was the CD. The CD was on the end cap of the shelf so you didn't have to look for it and could just grab it. On our way to check-out we stopped to look at belts for my brothers Halloween costume. He is going to be Link from the game Legend of Zelda. Then we checked-out and when we got in the car I couldn't get the stupid tape off the CD cover. I don't even know why they put the tape on those covers. Stupid tape.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Last Friday we got a new cat. He was hanging out in the garbage dumpster where my dad's brother is a cook. They caught him in a live trap and my grandma brought him over to our house. We named him Raggles. He is striped light gray and dark gray. He was very afraid of us so we put him in a rabbit hutch so that he wouldn't run away and would learn that this is where he is going to get fed. On Thursday we thought he was tame enough to take him out of the rabbit hutch. We took him to the vet to get a rabies shot so he doesn't get sick and bite us. When we got home from the vet we let him out of the carrier in the garage and he ran to the back and hid. We are hoping if he gets hungry he will come out. It hasn't worked yet and we have feed him three times since Thursday. I all most caught him last night but he got away. So we'll see if we can get him to like us enough to come and let us pet him and eat.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Stress Pumpkin

This is a pumpkin stress ball. To make a pumpkin stress ball follow these steps.
Things you will need:
If you want a pumpkin get orange balloons, or if not, any color balloon will work, flour, funnel, a stick to poke flour if it gets stuck in funnel, and a spoon or just use your hand.
1. Blow up your balloon so it is not so stiff.
2. Put the funnel in the spout of the balloon.
3. Start putting in flour, poke with stick if the funnel gets clogged.
4. When it's as full as you want it just take out the funnel and tie it off.
5. If your making a pumpkin stress balloon draw on a face.
and there is your stress pumpkin!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Yesterday, on our way to officer training, I was trying to get a good picture of the sun because it was soooo pretty. We had the camera with because I'm historian for our club this year and was going to take pictures of the new officers. After couple of minutes the sun was too low so I started taking pictures of the clouds because they were pretty. Here are some of the pictures I took.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Yesterday I went to the orthodontist and they said now I only need to wear my retainers 12 hours a day! He said wear then from like 6 to 6 or 7 to 7. Apparently he does not know when I usually get up. ( about 9:30 or 10:00 )

Monday, October 11, 2010


It was hard to take his picture because he wouldn't stay still!
Eeyore is my little goat. He is gray, brown, white and very cute. He goes outside almost every day. His house is made of pallets that we nailed together. Some days he is out of his house when we come out in the morning. Last week he broke out of his house twice, the first time he just knocked offthe door, a few days later he just opened it up like a set of double doors! Here is what it looks like from the outside.

And this is how it looks from the inside

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Ready to play!

Nikki is a toy fox terrier so she is quit small. A full size tennis ball does not fit in her mouth so we have to get her small ones. We go outside and throw the ball for her and come in when she will not let go of the ball any more. If we don't take the ball from her right away she will sit with it in her mouth just in case we want to play in a minute. This is Nikki with the tennis ball in her mouth.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Como Zoo!

We went to the Como zoo last Friday. Here are some of the pictures we took.

This is a monkey from the ape house who sat against the window looking out. He must have been bored or tired because he started yawning!

This is Sparky. He was looking for a snack, he would zoom around and do a trick and then look at us.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Caterpiller gone missing

In the beginning of this week we found three caterpillar's. Two were black and orange and the other on was yellow, white, and black. The black and orange ones had their own jar and the yellow, white , and black one had his own jar. This morning we got up and the yellow, white, and black caterpillar was not in his jar he had disappeared! we looked all over the counter, floor, and all over, he was nowhere to be found.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Ear and a Half

Ear and a Half is a rabbit. He is brown with long hair, yes long hair. Dawn is Ear and a Half's mom. We only have one other long haired rabbit, Brenna, who is also Dawn's baby. This is my brother with Ear and a Half I don't know why he isn't smiling.


It's raining!!!!! Why am I so happy? Because today at the YMCA we are playing soccer. I don't like soccer, I'm terrible at it and the ball usually ends up hitting me some where on my body. It was going to rain here Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. It did not rain yesterday so I'm extra happy and now hope it does not rain tomorrow because we are going to Fort Snelling.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I have hated bangs for a long, long time, on Friday night I decided to have my hair cut so I could have bangs. I have not bangs since I was about seven, I hated bangs. This is me with bangs.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Football fish fun!

My brother plays flag football on Saturdays. He read about paper footballs in the comic Fox Trot and and looked up how to make them. We made lots of these on Saturday. I got the idea to make a paper football fish after looking at the footballs. Here are the directions I use:

1. Get a sheat of paper and fold and cut it in half lengthwise.

2. Fold the paper you just cut in half and start folding to the left in little triangles six times.

3. Fold the part that is left into an arrowhead shape and slip it in the pocket of the triangle. Make three footballs.

4. Draw an eye on both sides of one triangle

5. Draw scales on two of the triangles with a nice color.

6. Use black, and the color you used for scales, to draw lines on the leftover triangle on both sides for the tail.

7. Tape the triangle with eyes to the other one with scales.

8. Tape the tail point to point with the body.

9. Do the same thing for two fins but smaller, tape one on each side.

10. There is your fish.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Puppet hats and masks

On are way to the State fair we were waiting to get in line to park when the people in the car in front of us kept sticking something out the window. We finally figured out that it was a hat. When we started to take a picture they stuck their head out for us to get a good picture.
This is the first one we saw.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Chickens gone catty

Chickens will eat almost anything, and I mean any thing. They will even eat cat food. The chickens are usually in their coop outside in the summer but it has been so wet we let them out so they were not on the mud. Almost every day they come up to the porch to eat and see if there is any cat food. In this picture is Paige, Owlly, Non-speckly, and Whooten.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Bowza the Betta

The other day at Wal-mart we got a Betta fish, bowl, rocks, and food. His bowl has a stand to put the bowl on and a light that turns on and off. He has a few different names. I call him Bowza, Mom calls him Gamma, and my brother calls him Luigi. He only eats one to two pieces of food a day. We picked Bowza because he was the prettiest Betta fish at Wal-mart. Here is his picture.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Crabs & cross rocks

This is a graffiti crab that was on a wall by a dam that we went to go find cross rocks or fairy rocks. you have to look closely at all the rocks you pick up because they small. Here are some of the ones we found.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Take my picture!

When we were at the state fair we went to see the biggest pig his name is Reggie and he is 5 1/2 years old and wights 1450. The sheep are in the same barn as the pigs. We were taking pictures of a sheep when the other sheep in the pen got jealous and stuck his head out so we could take a picture of him. This is the picture of the jealous sheep.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Bubble blowing

Today I was washing some dishes and started to blow bubbles. I was blowing bubbles when my brother came over and started trying to blow some also. And then Mom came over to take pictures and that is how this post came to be.

To blow bubbles

1. Make an O with your hand

2. Dip your hand in soapy water

3. Blow GENTLY

4. There is your bubble


This is Nikki because she is so cute!
She has a lot of nicknames that we call her. Some of them are Nick, Nicks, Nicksie, Nicker, Doodly, Kitten, Putesy, Doddles, Nikkin, Tootsy, Poopsy, Piddles, Piddlepopper (when she has an accident in the house), Dog, Noodle, Noodly or almost anything that end in the "E" sound. Sometimes my family calls her Tubby, but I hate that name for her.
Nikki likes to sleep with us at night under the covers and lay on a body pillow. My mom doesn't really like to sleep with her because Nikki wants to lay on my mom, not just by her. I tell my mom it is because she loves her but my mom says that aren't that good of friends that they would lay on each other to sleep. Nikki begs to differ.
Nikki also loves treats. She has an incredible nose. When we eat something she wants to come up and smell our mouth to see what it was we ate. She also has incredible ears. If she is sleeping and we put a little snack in her bowl, her ears fly up, her head follows and she runs to her bowl even if we have put it in ever so quietly. We put it in quietly just to test if she hears it or not.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Tree frog on my window

When it was warmer this summer, we had a lot of rain and bugs, there
was a tree frog that would sit at the top of our slider door. It came each night for a week or so and we could see it getting bigger. He was an bright, emerald green color and as long as my pinkie finger. He was always in highest corner of the sliding door, so you had to stand on a chair to take a picture. This is really cool because I really, really like frogs. I've caught toads in our yard but not frogs so this was really cool. This is the belly of the frog.

This is the back of the frog.

Monday, July 26, 2010

My first blog award

I was given this award and I need to tell you seven things about myself.
1. My favorite painting is Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte.
2. I love the Phantom of the Opera movie.
3. I don't wear braces anymore after two years.
4. I can do the right splits.
5. I love guacamole.
6. I am allergic to yellow and red food coloring.
7. I have a goat named Eeyore.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Dance recital

Sunday was my year end dance recital. This is me and mom after the first show, there were two shows.

My Grandma came and gave me the flowers in the picture. The flowers are pink carnations and white daises. They are very beautiful and smell so good. I have them sitting right next to the computer so I can enjoy them.

My dance team, the Stars, danced to three songs and the finale. The three songs were American Pie (jazz), Sugar Cane (lyrical), and Bazooka Bubble Gum (tap). The finale, which the whole studio danced to do was Sweet Child of Mine. The theme for our studio this year was "The Sweet Life of Dance" and all the songs were about something sweet.

Next year I am going to take a tap class and not be in a show line. Tap is my favorite kind of dance, I just love to tap dance.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Underwater Adventures

When we went to Underwater Adventures I saw a awesomely big turtle. It was an Alligator turtle, here is a picture of it.

This I think is a red ear slider turtle, the tank with them in it is on the
left when you start walking through.

After that you go into this tunnel that is under water and get to see a whole bunch of things sharks, mantras, lots of different kinds of fish, and a couple sea turtles.

Then there is a room of Jelly fish. They are in tall tanks with neon lights that change color so you can see them. Then you come out in a gift shop and there is a touch pool with star fish and horse shoe crabs and some sea anemones. There is also a octopus in a tank with a information thing that said they are as smart as a four year old.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Lately, now that it is warmer, we have been going into town to a tennis court to play tennis. There is also a baseball field and a play ground. It has swings, a slide, tractor tires, a climbing thing, and this wonderful thing! Isn't it cool?! Thats me and my brother, he is in the middle, I'm on the left.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Grubs and chickens

We started our garden, radishes to sell at the farmers' market, and when we were planting I found a grub!

My mom and I were taking pictures of it this is one of the good ones. It was hard cause we were in the sun, and after a couple pictures it started biting us. That really hurts! In times like this the chickens get a snack! Lucky them!